Protection of employers'legal labor right 用人单位合法劳动权益探讨
The conflict and balance between the trade secret and the labor rights 商业秘密与劳动权利保护的冲突与协调
Social responsibility of corporation and protection of labor rights in china 公司社会责任运动与中国劳工权益保护
Seriously infringing upon other labor rights and interests of the workers and staff members (六)其他严重侵犯职工劳动权益的。
Tentative discussion on the labor rights and interests protection of the female staff during the birth period 关于女职工生育期劳动权益保护的探讨
The international convention on economic, social and cultural rights and labor rights protection . ye jing-yi 经济社会和文化权利国际公约与劳动权的保护
Consideration on the problems in the litigation system for the public interest in the protection over labor right 劳动权保护的公益诉讼制度若干问题研究
About the international legislation on the protection of women's labor rights amp; amp; interests and its enlightenment to china 试论妇女劳动权益保障的国际立法以及对中国的启示
With the increasing trade relationship among nations, issues on labor rights and environmental protection have also been continuously brought up 摘要随著国家与国家之间经贸关系的越趋密切,劳动权利保障与环境保护等议题也益加受到重视。
Unity right, collective negotiation and collective action right are called " labor three rights ", also " labor fundamental rights " or " collective labor rights " 团结权、集体谈判权、集体行动权被称为“劳动基本权”、“集体劳权”。